Butler University, Atherton Union, Reilly Room
A panel of educational leaders will discuss the role of the principal
and the licensure of school principals in Indiana.
The discussion will be focused around themes from the documentary The Principal Story
and from the proposed changes to the licensure process in the
Rules for Educator Preparation and Accountability.
The facilitator for the discussion will be Dr. Walter Bourke,
superintendent of Franklin Township Community School Corporation (Indianapolis).
Panelists include:
* Dr. Todd Whitaker, professor of Education, Indiana State University and author of numerous educational books, including What Great Principals Do Differently.
* Dr. Robert Brower, superintendent of North Montgomery Community School Corporation (Crawfordsville, IN), author of educational books, nationally recognized expert in the trimester schedule, EPPSP graduate.
* Dr. James Halik, superintendent of Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (New Palestine, IN).
* Ms. Tina Merriweather, principal of Northview Middle School, Washington Township (Indianapolis), EPPSP graduate.
* Ms. Nicole Law, National Milken Educator, curriculum coordinator MSD Wayne Township (Indianapolis), EPPSP graduate.
Hosted by
Butler University, College of Education, Experiential Program for Preparing School Principals
and WFYI.
RSVP to vkramer@butler.edu

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