On Thursday Indiana gubernatorial candidate John Gregg endorsed Glenda Ritz for Indiana Superintendent for Public Instruction. Speaking at the State Capitol, Gregg introduced Ritz, saying that she "has been at the forefront of the fight here in Indiana to protect public education."
Ritz has been an educator for 33 years, serving as an elementary school teacher, as a library media specialist, on the Board of Directors of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, and numerous other positions.
Gregg said that "the best ideas don't come from Washington, DC or Indianapolis, and as an educator for 33 years Glenda understands that. This is a women who has understood from day one that the key to Indiana's future is public education."
Ritz said, "When our students go out into the world, whether it be to technical schools, or universities, or to the workplace, they need to know how to think in ways that support them in the changing world that we live know. That kind of thinking cannot be learned by just passing a test."
From KokomoPerspective